Turkey: Looking Back at the Legal Developments in 2023

2023 has marked many legal milestones and as the year comes to an end, we’ve rounded up the ones in the fields of technology, data protection, advertising, and intellectual and industrial property:……

An Important Decision by the Constitutional Court: Lack of Adequate Judicial Assessment for Privacy Related Fine

The Constitutional Court’s Decision No. 2020/7518 (“Decision”) was published on the Official Gazette on December 15, 2023. The Decision pertains to the violation of property rights resulting from an…

The Performer’s Related Rights in Cinematographic Works

Cinematographic works, which are one of the types of works protected in accordance with the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works numbered 5846 (“IPL”), are defined as “works such as films of an…

Sinema Eserlerinde İcracı Sanatçıların Bağlantılı Hakları

5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu ("FSEK") uyarınca korunan eser türlerinden biri olan sinema eserleri “her çeşit eşsiz, bilimsel, öğretici veya teknik mahiyette olan veya günlük olayları…

Regulation on E-Commerce Intermediary Service Providers and E-Commerce Service Providers

The Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce was amended on 07.07.2022. Accordingly, the Regulation on Electronic Commerce Intermediary Service Providers and Electronic Commerce Service…

Turkish Data Protection Authority Started Enforcement Against Foreign Controllers

Recently, the Turkish Data Protection Authority (“DPA”) started sending information request letters dated August 15, 2022, to foreign controllers (data controllers located outside Turkey but…

Draft Bill to Amend The Turkish Competition Law

Turkish Competition Authority (“Authority”) prepared a Draft Bill (“Draft Bill”) in order to amend the Law on Protection of Competition with numbered 4054 (“Competition Law”) recently and shared it…

Rekabetin Korunması Hakkında Kanunda Değişiklik Yapılmasına İlişkin Taslak Kanun

Rekabet Kurumu (“Kurum”) kısa bir süre önce 4054 sayılı Rekabetin Korunması Hakkında Kanun’da (“Rekabet Kanunu”) değişiklik yapılmasına ilişkin bir Taslak Kanun (“Taslak Kanun”) hazırlamış ve bu…

Actor Contracts

According to the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works with No. 5846 (“IPL”) one of the protected types of works is a cinematographic works. There are many kinds such as motion picture, TV series,…

Oyuncu Sözleşmeleri

5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu (“FSEK”) uyarınca korunan eser türlerinden bir tanesi de sinema eserleridir. Sinema eseri niteliği taşıyan eserler kapsamında sinema filmi, dizi film,…