Removal of and Blocking Access to Online Contents: Constitutional Court Annuls Internet Law Provisions
The Constitutional Court’s decision with no. 2023/172 (“Decision”) was published on the Official Gazette on January 10, 2024. The Decision concerns the application for the annulment of several…
Turkey: Looking Back at the Legal Developments in 2023
2023 has marked many legal milestones and as the year comes to an end, we’ve rounded up the ones in the fields of technology, data protection, advertising, and intellectual and industrial property:……
Looking Back at the Legal Developments on Data, Technology, Fintech, E-Commerce and Telecoms in 2022
2022 was another year full of developments in the legal sphere in Turkey. When we look back at 2022, we see that legislators in the Republic of Turkey – as well as in other countries - took…
New Requirements for OTTs in Turkey
The Amendment Law on the Media Law and Other Laws (“Amendment Law”) was published in the Official Gazette on 18 October 2022. The Amendment Law incorporated significant amendments to the Electronic…
Şebekeler Üstü Hizmet Sağlayıcılara Getirilen Yükümlülükler
Basın Kanunu ile Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun (“Değişiklik Kanunu”) 18 Ekim 2022 tarihinde Resmi Gazete’de yayımlandı. Değişiklik Kanunu, 5809 sayılı Elektronik Haberleşme…
Foreign Data Controllers Must Appoint a Data Controller Representative in Turkey
The Law on Personal Data Protection w. no: 6698 (“DPL”) sets forth obligations, principles and procedures which shall be binding upon natural or legal persons who process personal data. Similar to…
Consumer Rights Regarding Electronic Communication Sector
The procedures and principles for protecting consumer rights and interests in the electronic communication sector are regulated by the Regulation regarding the Rights of Consumers in the…