Introduction of Rules on Crypto Assets and Crypto Trading Platforms

Introducing comprehensive rules on crypto assets and crypto trading platforms, the Law Amending the Capital Markets Law No. 6362 ("Amendment Law") was published in the Official Gazette and entered…

Turkish Data Protection Board Decision: Mandatory Storage of Debit/Credit Card Data in E-Commerce Platforms

In its decision dated April 11, 2023 and numbered 2023/567, the Turkish Personal Data Protection Board (“Board”) evaluated a complaint regarding an e-commerce platform that requires consumers to…

Turkish Data Protection Board Decision: Mandatory Storage of Debit/Credit Card Data in E-Commerce Platforms

In its decision dated April 11, 2023 and numbered 2023/567, the Turkish Personal Data Protection Board (“Board”) evaluated a complaint regarding an e-commerce platform that requires consumers to…

Turkey: Looking Back at the Legal Developments in 2023

2023 has marked many legal milestones and as the year comes to an end, we’ve rounded up the ones in the fields of technology, data protection, advertising, and intellectual and industrial property:……

Kara Cuma İndirimleri: Reklamlara İlişkin Kurallar

E-ticaretin katlanarak büyümesi tüketicilerin davranışlarını büyük ölçüde değiştirdiği için Kara Cuma (Black Friday) satışları, tüketicilerin yüksek indirim oranlarından "etkilendiği" bir olgu…

Black Friday Sales: What are the Rules?

As the exponential growth of e-commerce has revolutionized consumer behavior, Black Friday sales have become a global phenomenon, where consumers are almost “influenced” by high discount rates. The…

Obligations under the Distance Contracts Regulation are Postponed

On August 23, 2022, important regulations regarding sellers’ obligation to inform consumers’ preliminarily and consumers’ right of withdrawal were introduced (“Amendment”) in the Distance…

Elektronik Ticaret Mevzuatındaki Güncel Gelişmeler - 2

07 Temmuz 2022 tarihinde Elektronik Ticaretin Düzenlenmesi Hakkında Kanun’un (“Kanun”) değiştirilmesi ve bu doğrultuda Elektronik Ticaret Aracı Hizmet Sağlayıcı ve Elektronik Ticaret Hizmet…

Recent Developments in Turkish E-Commerce Legislation – 2

On July 7, 2022, the Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce (“Law”) was amended. Accordingly, the Regulation on Electronic Commerce Intermediary Service Providers and Electronic Commerce…

Çevrimiçi Tüketici Yorumları Artık Denetime Tabi

Reklam Kurulu'nun 12 Eylül 2023 tarih ve 337 sayılı kararına istinaden Tüketici Yorumları Hakkında Kılavuz (“Kılavuz”) 19 Eylül 2023 tarihinde T.C. Ticaret Bakanlığı internet sitesinde yayımlandı.…