Is it Possible to Use an Altered Trademark in Turkey?

Law No. 6769 on Industrial Property (“Law”) regulates that a trademark shall be revoked if a trademark (i) has not been genuinely used within five years of its registration or (ii) is not used…

Turkish Patent and Trademark Office | What has changed for the revocation of registered trademarks?

As of today, the revocation procedure for registered trademarks in Turkey has changed and the authority to revoke registered trademarks is now vested in the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office…

Turkey: Looking Back at the Legal Developments in 2023

2023 has marked many legal milestones and as the year comes to an end, we’ve rounded up the ones in the fields of technology, data protection, advertising, and intellectual and industrial property:……

Türk Hukuku’nda Birlikte Var Olma Sözleşmeleri

Literatürde, co-existing anlaşmaları olarak da adlandırılan birlikte var olma sözleşmeleri ve Türk Hukuku’nda düzenlenen muvafakatname, önceki marka sahibi tarafından verilen izne dayalı olarak aynı…

Co-Existing Agreements under Turkish Law

Turkish legislation enables the registration of signs with the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office ("TürkPatent"), even if they are identical to or indistinguishably similar to a trademark for…

Türk Hukukunda Telif Hakları: Dijital Çağdaki Yansımaları

Günümüz dijital çağında, yaygın olarak kullanılan sosyal medya ve video paylaşım platformlarının kullanıcıları, içerikleri pasif tüketenlerden aktif üretenlere dönüşmüşlerdir. Platformlardaki…

Copyrights in Turkish Law: Reflections in the Digital Era

In the current digital age, characterized by the widespread presence of social media platforms and video streaming channels, users have evolved from passive consumers of content to active…

Tescilli Markaların İptali 2024’te Kolaylaşacak Mı?

Markalara ilişkin hakların korunmasını düzenleyen 6769 sayılı Sınai Mülkiyet Kanunu (“SMK”), 10 Ocak 2017’de, Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanmış ve hükümlerinin çoğunluğu yayım tarihinde yürürlüğe…

Will Revoking Registered Trademarks be Easier in 2024?

The main local legislation regulating the protection of trademarks in the Republic of Turkey, the Industrial Property Law With No. 6769 (“IPL”), was published on the Turkish Official Gazette on 10…

Dispute Resolution Mechanism for “.tr” Domain Names

For many years, the allocation of ".tr" domain names in Turkey was carried out through the Nic.TR system under the authority of Middle East Technical University (“METU”). As a result of the protocol…