For many years, the allocation and transactions of “.tr” domain names have been carried out by the Middle East Technical University (“METU”) through the Nic.TR system. With the Regulation on Internet Domain Names, which was put into effect by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, this authority and duty has been given to the Information Technologies and Communication Authority (“BTK”). Thereupon, METU transferred the management of “.tr” domain names to BTK with an agreement signed on December 21st, 2018. The agreement regulated that the Nic.TR system would be closed in 2020 and the .tr Network Information System (“TRABIS”) would replace it.

On March 23rd, 2020, Nic.TR system was closed to applications and renewals. During the transition period, i.e., until TRABIS goes into operation, operators called “registry operators”, who have signed contracts with Nic.TR management, carries out the allocation processes. The Nic.TR system will be closed simultaneously with TRABIS’ activation, and after TRABIS becomes operational, the registry operators will carry out relevant transactions through TRABIS.

On August 19th, 2022, BTK made a press release on TRABIS’ operations. According to BTK’s statement, TRABIS will start its operations on September 14th, 2022.

With TRABIS starting its operations; the articles in the Regulation on Internet Domain Names, the Communiqué on Internet Domain Names and the Communiqué on Dispute Resolution Mechanism for Internet Domain Names, which have not entered into force yet – will enter into force.

Within the scope of the legislation that will come into force, domain names transactions such as application, renewal, cancellation and transfer will be carried out by the “Registry Agencies” that have been granted a certificate by BTK. Further, the sale of “.tr” domain names, which is currently prohibited, can be carried out 3 years after TRABIS becomes operational.

In addition to these, an alternative dispute resolution mechanism has been determined for the “.tr” domain names disputes. It is regulated that the resolution processes of domain name allocation disputes will be carried out by arbitrators or arbitration committees . However, it will not be possible to apply to this mechanism for the domain names that were allocated before TRABIS became operational.

Lastly, according to the press release and within the scope of the aforementioned legislation, the allocation of “”, “” and “” domain names will be carried out with the “first come, first served” principle, without any documents and in the order of application time. In the determination of first comer, the time when the domain name application is received by TRABIS will be taken into consideration. Users may benefit from the TRABIS Pre-Order Service offered by METUnic, which was established by METU and operates as the registry operator of Nic.TR.

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